Category Archives: In Progress

FM 1/100 BLR WIP 6: Upper body done!

Sat down and mostly finished up the backpack and tail blade this weekend.

I’ve still got to add the detail on that triangle..power symbol…thing that’s on the tail blade’s housing. You know the one, right? The same upside down triangle thing that’s on the knees. That thing. I’m going to hit it with a little bit of metallic blue to keep everything in line and that oughta do it for that detail!

With that, the upper body is wrapped up! Aside from the mace holding hands, anyway. I’m really excited to work on the legs now and finish the main body up. I might make a detour for the ultra large mace just to make sure I don’t run face first in to weapon fatigue.

The legs should look a lot more striking after changes are made to it and paint gets applied. I’m hoping that opening a few spots up will give the kit a flair that’s very unique to it-

They aren’t major changes but I am excited about them! It’ll show off some of the inner frame and expose the hose on the back of the leg more.

Til next time!

FM1/100 BLR WIP 3: Highlighting? Postshading?

Finally sat down and got back to work on this kit after a full fun weekend visiting friends.

I initially wanted to paint the white armor parts with a Mr. Color 308 Light Ghost Gray FS36375 base coat and then preshade it with 332 Light Aircraft Gray, both semi-gloss colors. However after painting exactly one part I realized that the 332 aircraft gray straight up doesn’t work with the ghost gray in that application.

So instead of trying to preshade the parts, I took the ghost gray and added a splash of black to it and set to work postshading? highlighting? I forget which.

While it’s very obvious that it was my first try with these parts I’m pretty happy with how they turned out. It’s not perfect but overall I’m glad the aircraft gray didn’t work out and I wound up going with this instead. I think it looks a lot nicer. Now I need to gloss coat these parts so I can use Tamiya’s panel line accent on them and then I can finally flat coat and assemble the parts that I’ve finished so far! I’ll leave y’all with a teaser since I couldn’t help myself and put some of the head armor together to see how it’s looking so far.

The next few parts should be fun to finish and put together. Til next time!